Equine Assisted Therapy

Blue Oaks is excited to introduce our Equine Assisted Therapy Pilot Project. Beginning June 2023, Julia Lippert will offer Equine Assisted Psychotherapy sessions – sessions that involve horses.

Equine Assisted Therapy

Equine Assisted Therapy – what is it and how does it work?  

Sometimes in life, the human nervous system can get so overwhelmed, a person might need outside help. This might be the case if a client experiences anxiety, high levels of stress or symptoms of PTSD.  The amazing benefit of Equine Assisted Therapy is that it brings another living being’s presence into the client’s space to help them find a place of resilience and peace 

 Through interactions with the horse and the therapist, clients have an opportunity to learn about their own brain and nervous system. Clients learn how to experience new ways of responding to life – in a calm and grounded way: to become more present in the moment, to connect more deeply with others, and to become more attune with their own emotional and physical experience.  

 When humans experience trauma, they often feel overwhelmingly alone, powerless and ashamed. Through the relationship with the horse and therapist, clients can have the powerful healing experience of feeling the opposite: supported, empowered and worthy of care and connection.  

What will sessions look like?

Equine Assisted Therapy sessions may take place either on the ground or clients might ride the horse, depending on what the therapist and the client are working on. We prioritize client safety and any mounted sessions will only take place in the presence of a lead line equine assistant, and when the client is ready. Sessions can include the following:

  • Preparation of a client care plan (the road map for the counselling sessions), considering the client’s main concerns, symptoms and struggles, past experiences and hopes for the future
  • Careful introduction of our horse partners, allowing clients to learn about horses, their emotional systems, how to communicate and connect with the horses, and how to regulate their own nervous system in order for the horse to feel safe and connected
  • Opportunity to connect with a horse partner on the ground first, with a potential of mounted sessions
  • Trauma informed therapy for treatment of anxiety, mood dysregulation, attachment trauma, insecurity, low self esteem, struggles with communication and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Experiential mindfulness based, sensory-motor informed and somatic modalities, as well as trauma processing
  • Sessions are available for adults and minors over the age of 12
Equine Assisted Therapy
In the News

2023/08/05: Collingwood Today – ‘Life changing’: Equine therapy helps clients through trauma

From the saddles of her three therapy horses, psychotherapist Julia Lippert hopes to help her clients work past their trauma to improve their mental health.

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