Deep Brain Reorienting Therapy
What is Deep Brain Reorienting?
Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR®) is an evidence-based trauma therapy developed by Dr. Frank Corrigan. The fundamentals of DBR are based in the principles of neuroscience and neurophysiology and it uniquely targets the shock that occurred in response to traumatic events and circumstances to assist clients improve their quality of life.
How does Deep Brain Reorienting Work?
negative sensations in their body.
Therapists assist client to identify the shock of their adverse experiences and the related to feelings of grief, abuse, fear, pain, and neglect. The therapist will assist their client to move through these feelings of shock in a safe, slow, and effective manner. Elements of DBR® are similar to somatic-based (body) psychotherapy approaches, but DBR® combines somatic-based approaches with neuroscience to achieve lasting and desired change.
Is Deep Brain Reorienting Effective?
DBR® is a relatively new modality and studies are still ongoing, but results from the current studies indicate people experience significant decreases in a range of symptoms, including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.